To Whom It Concerns:

Below, please find a link that goes to a sample "teaser" e-Learning:

This "Introduction to the REST API" e-Learning is designed to interest and drive NetWitness and ECAT Analysts, Administrators, and Developers to RSA University to pay for and take a full length multi-hour e-Learning tutorial and accompanying Hands-On e-Lab in which students learn-by-doing within "real world" scenarios and case-studies.

The templated, modularized, and repeatable process by which the entire series was created ensures SME validated technical accuracy (scripts and lab guides), a high degree of learner engagement (multi-media, interactivity, and job related context), development efficiencies resulting in lowest possible costs (re-usable objects and processes), and speed to delivery.

Although *your* audience, prerequisite knowledge, and needs will likely be different, this will give you a high level view of some of the end-to-end skills that I bring to the table (Identify SMEs, scope and structure courses, interpret and translate highly technical and complex information, commoditize, and deliver knowledge to a wider audience in memorable and meaningful ways).  

“Teaser” eLearning:

Script for “Teaser” NetWitness Intro to the REST API - script.htm


For more detailed portfolio see below for deeper dives, e-Lab exercise scripts, lab guides, project definition documents, project description documents and the like…

Deep Dive Content and Scripts

Additionally, there is a multi-hour eLearning tutorial (wrapped in Storyline for deployment and tracking on LMS) containing modularized videos designed to be deployed separately on a YouTube-like system that is searchable by tags/keywords based on learner needs for On-Demand “chunks” of knowledge/tutorial/reference.  Terminal Learning Objectives support On-Demand e-Lab

Script e-Learning tutorial:

e-Lab lab guide:

e-Lab environment: API eLab Environment.pdf


Design Documents and Descriptions:

Project Definition Document:

Description for “Teaser” e-Learning Descrip_eLearn_Introduction_to_REST_API.pdf

Description for full tutorial eLearning Descrip_eLab_Using_REST_API_pbl.pdf



Peter Lester Ed.M., CISM

Instructional Designer - Curriculum Developer